
1.  The Best resource is the Bible itself.  Take a notebook and pencil and start to read.  Write your thoughts and questions down.  If you have never read the Bible much, start by reading the book of John.  If you are familiar with the Bible and have gotten away from reading it, google "Bible Reading Program" and use one of the many programs listed.  I (Pastor Keith) prefer McCheyne's but the Discipleship Journal plan is good.  JUST READ!

2.  Never in the history of mankind have we had so much information and it is impossible to read everything that is even good.  The Christian market is mind-boggling with its array of tabloid sounding promises of "this is the most important subject!"

After the Bible, the best resources are an honest heart, a dissatisfaction with things (stuff), and a desire for God.  Again read the Bible and don't get tied up saying "I don't understand this."  Talk to me or one of the elders here at Grace and we will do our best to come along side as you endeavour to learn of the most wonderful person EVER, Jesus the Son of God!  (Sorry, a little Forrest Gump there)-

3.  Books are not bad.  Knowledge is necessary and full of wonder.  Other people have seen and help others see what they have seen that honors God.  I have listed authors and specific books that have been life giving to me.

Good authors:  AW Tozer, CS Lewis, Martin Lloyd-Jones, Jonathan Edwards. Most of these were prolific writers and have many titles to their credit.  You can't go wrong reading any of them.

It's easy to locate titles online by a simple search engine inquiry using an author's name. Some favorites are: Tozer - Knowledge of the Holy, Lewis - Chronicles of Narnia (Fiction aimed at children but the imagery of what is really real is glorious), Martin Lloyd-Jones - Spiritual Depression, and Jonathan Edwards - Religious Affections.

In addition, I make no apologies that I have been greatly influenced by a living author. (These others are all dead, and their books do not tend to show up on garage sales) John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN has been a great blessing to me.  His writing feeds my soul.  Future Grace, Pleasures of God, Desiring God, and God is the Gospel are all worth digesting.

BUT, put all these mens' work on one side of the scale and the Bible on the other; the Bible side shoots down and the other works go flying into space. Read the Bible - its author is God.

Grace Bible Fellowship is a co-operative member of the B.R.I.C.K ministry which provides practical and/or financial help for those with urgent needs.


1.  Food Donations:  Donations have dropped substantially.  Please consider donating non-perishable food items to help stock our shelves OR make a cash donation so we can purchase needed items to fill in where needed.

2.  Help spread the word that our food shelf is open on Thursdays from 9 am to 7 pm.

For more information on The BRICK and how you can become involved  contact Cheyanne Reeves at:  or call (715) 682-7425.