Our missions strategy is based on three foundations:
People are created to live in an eternal relationship with God, but are separated from that relationship apart from a personal saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
God has entrusted the local church as a key component of His plan to reach the world with the message of salvation in Christ alone.
We establish and implement goals which lead our church family in committed involvement and investment in activities which accomplish inviting individuals of all nations to a personal relationship with Christ and the resultant planting of indigenous churches internationally.
Forest Lake District
Evangelical Free Church
The Forest Lakes District of the Evangelical Free Church of America covers Wisconsin and the western two-thirds of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Advancing Native Missions
Afton, VA
Chequamegon Pregnancy Center
Ashland, WI
Todd & Joan Heininger
Serving in Thailand
Matt & Leilani Melville
Serving in Portugal
Kyrsten Anderson
Serving in Panama